Do you want to do a simulation of the ®EXAM CODE?

If you are not sure that you can pass the ®EXAM CODE you can do a simulation test where you can test your knowledge and feel the experience similar to the official ®EXAM CODE exam.

Once you have taken a mock test, you can take it at any time within one year. When you start the simulation test you will have 1 hour to complete it. Simulations can only be taken once. It is therefore important that you start the test when you have enough time to complete the simulation without interruption.

Select the simulation of the course you have taken:


SIMULACRO ®EXAM CODE 2 (Basic Level +)

SIMULACRO ®EXAM CODE 3 (Intermediate Level)

SIMULACRO ®EXAM CODE 4 (Intermediate Level +)

SIMULACRO ®EXAM CODE 5 (Advanced Level)

SIMULACRO ®EXAM CODE 6 (Advanced Level +)