The ®EXAM CODE are the only exams that certify the level of knowledge and skills of a student in programming.

Taking into account the need and shortage of computer experts and programmers at a national level, Nallam wants to provide the opportunity to train its students in this sector and thus encourage their participation in the digital world.

The ®EXAM CODE are official Nallam certifications that will help not only the introduction into the labour market, but also the growth and improvement within it.

The official exams are open to all those who wish to take them.

The main objective of the ®EXAM CODE is to certify the programming level of the examinees. For this purpose, there are different types of exams depending on the level of the person concerned and with different objectives to be achieved:

  • ®EXAM CODE 1 y 2 focused on initial programming
  • ®EXAM CODE 3 y 4 focused on intermediate programming
  • ®EXAM CODE 5 y 6 focused on advanced programming

In order to obtain the certificate and be well prepared to take the exam, Nallam Formación recommends to take the online courses ®EXAM CODE PREPARE.

What are ®EXAM CODE PREPARE courses?

The ®EXAM CODE PREPARE courses combine practice, invention and reasoning. With a novel, creative and playful methodology, they are courses with a clearly defined structure and a clear objective: to teach programming.

Therefore, there are six CODE courses focused on preparing students to take the official exam.